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Beiträge erstellt von Keno

  1. vor 10 Stunden schrieb Jake:

    You still owe me 300 that you get to keep for no reason.

    The agency doesn't even pay its ladies, even though it is contractually obligated to do so. But well, the agency's reputation precedes it, and I will definitely not be booking there, but rather with agencies that value their clients and ladies

    • Informativ 1
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  2. Am 25.4.2024 um 18:09 schrieb Jake:

    Hello ladies and gentlemen, 

    So i had a downpayment for a date that should happen in about 2-3 weeks, unfortunately because i experience a tragic passing from one of my family members, i have to cancel that date.

    On the Website of intimate-escort it stated that any cancellations that happens 24h before the date you have to pay 40% of total fee. Its really not fair that they get to keep my money, when i asked for a refund. They told me, in the next 3 months i can have another date with that downpayment, which i don't want. 

    I would totally understand, if i canceled to close to the date or out of disinterest. Its out of my control what happened to me, but they can totally refund the payment but refuse to pay my money back

    Thank you

    I'm afraid you may have to resort to legal action if you want to get your money back. I once booked a lady who told me that Intimate Escort simply withholds her money. According to the chat log I personally saw, Intimate Agency not only behaves arrogantly and exploitatively towards customers but also towards their girls. This agency should be banned.

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  3. Ich persönlich finde, dass ein Impressum sehr wichtig ist. Es bietet nicht nur eine rechtliche Absicherung, sondern stärkt auch das Vertrauen der Bucher, indem es zeigt, dass hinter der Website ein verantwortliches und nachprüfbares Unternehmen steht. In vielen Fällen kann gerade diese Transparenz ein entscheidender Faktor für die Glaubwürdigkeit und Seriosität einer Escortagentur sein. 

    Vielleicht möchte mir ein anderer User verraten wo ich ein Impressum der Seiten finde. Denn ggf. möchte ich eine Buchung vornehmen aber ich überweise ungern vierstellige Summen "irgendwo hin".

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