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Beiträge erstellt von SUGARDADY

  1. Hello,


    Being in berlin during august i'm looking for a young (under 35) and very pretty escort with great skills (social & private).

    Tall and slim or more curveous and with large breast. Long legs with perky buttom is my favorite.

    only interested in Long date.

    • Danke 1
  2. Hello guys/girls,


    Is there anybody who has already tried the suite rooms of the park in alexanderplatz or the ramada alexanderplatz ?

    Which one is the best to receive several escorts late without access card ? I'm planning a threesome soon with sexy room service...


    Any advise on good and adequate hotel in Berlin downtown are welcome (****150/night)



  3. Prague has a lot of good agencies.


    you can google this following terms to find the websites (sorry to not post the links)


    escort europe vip

    prague dreams


    afrodita models

    absolut czech

    passions co at

    czech companion

    empire companions

    models companions (use with precaution)


    all those agencies are very serious and reliable to my mind

    Blurred photos in CZ agency means scam, wasted time etc.


    try to avoid to pick up girls at bar as they are mostly low rank whore.


    average overnight rates with agency is from 800 to 1200.

    • Danke 2
  4. Hello folks,


    I'm looking for an overnight in berlin in few weeks so i'm browsing escort agencies and indep escort websites. What are the best agencies in Berlin by the way ?


    I find this tall and curveous brunette but she seems quiet arrogant in her website with pretty moderate donations : Hmm: . http://www.adoraescort.com/


    I didn't find any review about her. Someone knows her ?


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