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  • Cleo Constantine
    Cleo Constantine

    Cleo Constantine

    Independent Escort Info

    Independent Escort
    Homebase: Berlin
    Haarfarbe: Braun lang
    Alter: 27
    Größe: 176cm - 180cm
    Sex. Präferenzen: Dominant, Neutral, Switcher, bisexuell
    Konversation: Ruhig, Lebhaft, Kann gut zuhören
    Charakter: leidenschaftlich, natürlich, elegant, eloquent, charmant, temperamentvoll, aufgeschlossen, kommunikativ, zärtlich
    Tattoo / Piercing: Tattoo(s) vorhanden
    Nationalität: Australian
    Sprachen: englisch (Muttersprache)
    Hauttyp: weiss
    Konfektionsgröße: 36
    BH Größe: DD Natur
    Outcall / Incall: Escort Haus/Hotel, Modell besuchbar
    Rauchen: Nein
    Intimzone: unrasiert

    Service Angaben

    GFE (Girlfrienderotic), Französisch, Küssen, Zungenküsse, NS aktiv, bisexuell, BDSM, Rollstuhlfahrer angenehm, Kunden über 65 angenehm


    1 Stunde: 300 €

    2 Stunden: 450 €

    12 Stunden: 1600 €

    24 Stunden: 3000 €

    1 Stunde: 300 €
    2 Stunden: 450 €
    12 Stunden: 1600 €
    24 Stunden: 3000 €



    I'm Cleo.

    Do you find yourself drawn to confident and free-spirited women?

    I have a talent for pleasure. You could say I'm a hedonist, however, I find that carries certain connotations of excess. Simply, I prioritize my own pleasure in all aspects of life, not only sexual. I am esthete and a lover of fine things but I abhor pretension. I owe my affirmative and grounded approach to life to my upbringing in Australia. I am blessed to have had the privilege of travel - and at a young age. I am open-minded, highly empathetic and intuitive. I am in that sweet spot between youthful exuberance and experience.

    As a woman of the world, I find it very shocking and encourage you to share your fantasies with me. Keep it succinct but do not be coy; the beauty of this little world of ours is that we can match with like minded individuals and skip the games. I have certain inclinations that fall on the dominant end of the spectrum. I often find such labels limiting, but also helpful in naming one's exact desire

    My style is simple and elegant. I have a penchant for all black and a preference for classic, timeless pieces. I am not the sort of person to attract the wrong kind of attention. I especially look forward to dates with dinner or cocktails. I appreciate those who prefer longer dates. I love nothing more than let desire marinate. I can therefore appreciate the exhilaration of a short pleasure-filled rendezvous. I'm quite adaptable and proud of myself.

    Few people confuse my warmth for weakness and those that are set straight very quickly. From you I expect the utmost respect for my profession, my body, my time and my safety. From me, you can expect the same, as well as complete discretion.

    If you find yourself in these words I look forward to hearing from you.


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Seit über 10 Jahren ist MC-Escort die grösste deutschsprachige Escort Community. Wir bieten Kunden und Anbietern eine Plattform um sich gegenseitig auszutauschen und Kontakte zu knüpfen.



  Raingärten 1, 79780 Stühlingen, Deutschland



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