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Liebe Mitglieder, wir haben derzeit leider technische Probleme mit dem Kalender welche wohl leider noch einige Zeit anhalten werden . Danke für die Geduld. ×

Liebe(r) Guest,

ein gesundes, entspanntes, erfolgreiches und glückliches Neues Jahr 2025 wünsche ich Dir und Deinen Angehörigen.

Robert (MC Escort)




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Hi all,

I am looking for you if you like escorting.  If you are here for a long time you might know a bit about the escort business.... and you know it can be fun.

If you like, just send me your pictures by email: rikama@yahoo.com

Anything you need to know is all here in this website:


so just see if it is suitable for you:classic_love:

best, Rikayleigh


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40 minutes ago, Peter29 said:

There is a saying that you only have 1 canche to make a first impression.  You are launching a website and putting up your thread here when the many continents have only 1 single person on the site.

What you say is right. But actually everything grows slowly.   I shall find people who trust me, because they like the settings and maybe the page design. M

I think the one person on the site is quite ok ;))   If this loneliness disturbs you, make a difference and become a friend. The setting is perfect ;)) OK. from now on  communications per PM, as I hate talkshows.

Have a great day.


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