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Liebe Mitglieder, wir haben derzeit leider technische Probleme mit dem Kalender welche wohl leider noch einige Zeit anhalten werden . Danke für die Geduld. ×

Announcement Coronavirus

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Dear valued clients and ladies,


at all times, and escpecially in this uncertain climate, we want to assure you, that your safety and wellbeing is our highest priority.

We are continuing to monitor and react tot he coronavirus situation as it evolves, and we remain steadfast in our commitment to provide every guest,

partner and employee with the highest stardard of service and care, so you can plan and travel with confidence.

As you would expect from us, we enhanced our hygiene standards using the latest COVID-19 guidance from gloval and governmental health bodies.

In addition, Amorette is committed to providing you with the maximum flexibility during these tough times. Since this morning several more borders

closed, we decided to stop arranging new dates for the time being.

Already booked trips, please get in touch with me directly to figure things out and to re-act on a daily basis. Please be assured that we will continue to

monitor closely the evolving nature of this situation, respond to up-to-the-minute advice, and do everything possible to support our clients, partners

and team throughout this period.

With our best wishes,

Andrea & Team

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