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escorting in the usa - bericht aus c69


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Review published 08 Oct 07





Sorry, I tried to make it shorter, but in order to explain what happened, this is the shortest I could do:


Flew to DC on a 3 day business trip. Was free on the second evening, and too tired to go out so decided to have some fun “room service”. Too lazy to check the captain on my PC, so at 10:00 pm I decide to check the YP, and pick “Secretescort” and call them:


- Cityboy: Hi, would you have a nice lady for a couple of hours tonight, say in an hour?

- Receptionist: (in a v sensual voice) Sure. And what type of lady would you like to meet sir? I mean height, hair color, etc...

- C: Well… Guess I would love to meet a tallish lady, who happens to be beautiful, funny, sexy, sweet, young, and at the same time very naughty! Difficult package, huh?

- R: (laughs)... Not at all, we’ve got one lady who has it all... I suggest “Tatiana”, red head, green eyes, 5’9”, Natural “D” cup, a true Russian beauty… Oh, and on top of that: perfect English, friendly and warm!

- C: hmmm… Sounds Great, I love read heads... can you set the meeting at 11:00 please?

- How long would you like her to stay with you?

- A couple of hours.

- Ok that’ll be 400 dollars.

- Fine with me.

- R (calls back 5 min. later): Sir, I have good news, she’ll be at your room in an hour.


At 11:30 (with a half hour delay) Tatiana’s there at my door. I open and find one atomic bombshell smiling at me. A real knockout:


Red Hair, blue green eyes, & the most beautiful Slavic face and smile I ever met, with a body to die for. She wearing the most provocative outfit, so I wondered about the kind of chaos she must have created in the Hotel Lobby till reaching the elevators. (And with these clothes she must have driven all the guys down there nuts).


Greetings, kiss on the cheeks, apologized for being late and surprisingly, she spoke English without a shadow of an accent. She then sat down at the desk to call her agency, with her white mini – skirt, displaying her long and beautiful “hour glass” legs. Her skin was amazingly smooth. At that point Cityboy was speechless and erect like a teenager, getting ready for that very delicious meal, thinking that this was going to be the “fuck of the century!”


- T: Just to get rid of the money side, would you still like to spend with me a couple of hours, or longer? Cause we have a package: 3hours for 500 dollars?

- C: Ok, (big smile)3 hours is fine...(Then I hand her the money).

- T: Could you please sign this form? (She hands me a paper that looks more like a cashier ticket, which I found very odd).

- C: Why is that? I mean it’s the first time I ever sign a form like that? Let alone write my name.

- T: Don’t worry, that’s only a contract for my agency, and also for my security, you know what I mean?

- C: Sure, no problem, I guess I do. (I actually did not have a clue what the hell it meant, but I was simply too horny, and too coward, to say no and spoil the evening with such a goddess)


I sign, fill in my name (fake of course) but without reading the details (a bit like when you accept the terms and conditions of a newly purchased software). She calls back the agency to confirm then turns back to me.


- T: Ok, I’m checked in now. And what are your plans for the night?

- C: Could I offer you something to drink?

- T: ok some water please. (Not a very exciting start I thought).

- T: (insistently) so? What are you planning to do?

- C: Well you know it’s already 11:30. I suggest we have a couple of drinks in the room. Then we’ll take it from there, till here (Cityboy said that with a big smile while pointing his finger towards the bed).

- T: (abruptly) I’m sorry that’s illegal. (By then her smile had disappeared, replaced by a serious poker face).

- C: What do you mean, Illegal?

- T: People call and we meet them to go out, that’s it. No sex.

- C: Oh… I guess we couldn’t talk about it over the phone, but going out’s not exactly what I was planning. I mean, not the ONLY thing I had in mind. Besides, we can’t go anywhere now, it’s already late.

- Ok let me call the agency, (in a challenging tone) we’ll see what they think.


She calls and tells the receptionist who arranged our meeting:

- T: “He says he wants SEX!”

- T: Ok I’ll let him talk to you. (She hands me the phone on the receptionist’s request)

- R: Sir, you told the lady that you wanted to have sex, right?

- C: Well… You know… errr… You see I’m a foreigner, and I didn’t know that… well I guess if there’s a problem we could simply call the whole thing off. Just tell Tatiana to refund the money, and naturally I’ll pay her the taxi, etc…

- R: Sir, there won’t be ANY refund. (By then she started to speak louder).

- C: Oh yeah? Why not? We’re still at the beginning, and I told you I’ll pay her the cab in addition of a fee. Ok?

- R: No. I said NO REFUND!

- C: You mean you want her to stay without sex but no refund. Ok. I guess I have no choice so I’ll go out with her anyway. (cutting losses)

- R: No you’re not. She’s gonna leave right now.

- C: Listen, you can’t twist my arm and rip me off, ok? She either gives me the money back, or continues the meeting, ok?

- R: No. I said she’s not staying with you anymore.

- C: But why not, damn it?!!!

- R: Cause you’re asking for sex and it’s illegal, so I’m not comfortable with her staying with you.

- C: I told you I’m not aware of your local laws, ok? I’m a foreigner.

- R: Then get out of my country mother fucker, or I’ll call the police and press charges against you. You sick head, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!! (at that moment, I thought of the piece of paper that I had just signed, and of all sorts of shit that could follow, had she really called the cops.)

- C: You got me bitch. But I won’t let you & her get away with that so easily. (I was trying to sound like she’ll stay with or without her consent).

- R: Listen you fucking bastard, if you try to force her, there are two body guards who are already the lifts on their way to your room, so beware!


At that point, Tatiana had already run to the door, which she loudly slammed behind her and left. Cityboy was again speechless… The "fuck of the century" turned out to be an ugly trap.


End of story. No comment… (Looks: 9.5 Perf: 1)


just in case:




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Erfolgt Paysex in der Illegalität und wird auch von den Behörden und der Polizei verfolgt, geht es ganz häufig zu Lasten der Prostituierten. Ich habe das als Callboy Anfang der 80-er Jahre in einem anderen Land als Deutschland erlebt. In diesem Beispiel aus c69 wird der Kunde schlichtweg beschissen und kann sich nicht dagegen wehren, weil es ein illegales Geschäft ist. Amerikanern ist das bewusst und sie sind deshalb sehr vorsichtig. In Deutschland ist die Lage wesentlich entspannter als in vielen andern europäischen Ländern, wo zum Teil auch die Kunden von der Polizei verfolgt werden und sogar die Ehefrauen über diese "Vergehen" in Kenntnis gesetzt werden. In Deutschland gibt es einflussreiche Kräfte, die eine Reform, eine Verschärfung der Prostitutionsgesetzgebung wünschen. Eine der Wortführerinnen ist Alice Schwarzer, aber auch die gegenwärtige Familienministerin von der Leyen ist eine Gegnerin der aktuellen liberalisierten Gesetzgebung, die noch keiner endgültigen Bewertung unterzogen werden kann, da noch nicht lang genug in Kraft.

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Erfolgt Paysex in der Illegalität und wird auch von den Behörden und der Polizei verfolgt, geht es ganz häufig zu Lasten der Prostituierten. Ich habe das als Callboy Anfang der 80-er Jahre in einem anderen Land als Deutschland erlebt. In diesem Beispiel aus c69 wird der Kunde schlichtweg beschissen und kann sich nicht dagegen wehren, weil es ein illegales Geschäft ist. Amerikanern ist das bewusst und sie sind deshalb sehr vorsichtig. In Deutschland ist die Lage wesentlich entspannter als in vielen andern europäischen Ländern, wo zum Teil auch die Kunden von der Polizei verfolgt werden und sogar die Ehefrauen über diese "Vergehen" in Kenntnis gesetzt werden. In Deutschland gibt es einflussreiche Kräfte, die eine Reform, eine Verschärfung der Prostitutionsgesetzgebung wünschen. Eine der Wortführerinnen ist Alice Schwarzer, aber auch die gegenwärtige Familienministerin von der Leyen ist eine Gegnerin der aktuellen liberalisierten Gesetzgebung, die noch keiner endgültigen Bewertung unterzogen werden kann, da noch nicht lang genug in Kraft.


was, die "süße" alice? da sollte dieterchen nochmal mit ihr reden....



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