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Australische Untersuchung für "Sexworker"


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Sexworker erforschen ihren Beruf selbst:



Sexworker in New South Wales, Australien und ihre Kunden mit Handicap - Online Fragebogen


NSW sex workers and their clients with a disability on-line survey.





Hi there,


I am pleased to announce that the *Sex workers who provide services to

clients with a disability* survey, forming the basis of my Masters by

Research degree (University of Sydney) is now online.


The direct URL is:



(Achtung: Seiten können nur einmal [1 x] angeschaut werden)



If you are currently, or have previously worked, in New South Wales (NSW),

Australia, as a sex worker then you are eligible to participate.


I encourage sex workers who haven’t seen clients with a disability to still

do the survey. It will only take you about 1 minute as there will only be a

few questions for you to answer. The fourth question allows you to give

reasons as to why you have *not* seen clients with disability which will

also inform my results and conclusions.


I apologise in advance for the fact that this survey is only in English. Due

to a lack of funding it was not possible to translate into other languages

at this time. This will definitely be identified as one of the deficits of

this survey as the NSW sex worker population certainly includes those who

come from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.


While I am not due to complete my Masters until the end of 2010 I will be

presenting my preliminary data at the 19th World Congress for Sexual Health,

Göteborg, Sweden, 21-25th June 2009.



Please feel free to forward this email and attachments to any sex worker who

would like to know about this research and would like to participate, or any

organisations or services that sex workers may go to.


Kind regards,

Rachel Wotton


Please note that this research is being conducted by a current sex worker.

Ich bin nicht behindert - ich werde behindert! :zwinker::zwinker:


Mein Sturschädel ist mir heilig!!!:heilig::heilig::heilig:


Mein Blog: http://www.rollimans-erfahrungen.de/

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