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Davy Wittebrug

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Davy Wittebrug's Errungenschaften

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  1. I already had the pleasure receiving an e-mail from Carmen. It's a bloody shame my German is not sufficient enough as she seemed to be a very pleasant lady. As for myself: I'm 46, 176 cm. and untill a few months ago I had a normal posture but since I quit smoking i must say i gained some weight...taking me to 85kg....I'll work on that during the winter. Well educated but can be quiet and reserved....so a 'bubbly' personality would be nice. Although I love the sensuality of high heels...the woman i look for must also be comfortable in jeans and sneakers. I like the sporty and casual style on a woman. Well...let's just see where this brings me. Cheers, Dave
  2. Thanks so much for the links to the diverse websites. However, I don't have a single clue how I'm supposed to make a balanced choise and besides, I just lack the time to browse through all. So if there's a lady out there who can seduce me with a proposition on how the heck we do fill in those 36 hrs.....good luck! : Cheers, Dave

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  Raingärten 1, 79780 Stühlingen, Deutschland



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