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Could not resist myself in the other thread, and since I incl.ed a pointer to this famous japanese woodcut.


NB: the wikipedia page with add. info is here:



It does contain a rather good transl. of the text part. However caveat emptor; the page also includes some rather problematic assumptions.


also many in .jp will tell you the artist's mom was very likely a hooker herself.

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ecco l´"aria della piovra" "Un dì, ero piccina" cantata dalla stupenda Magda Olivero


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJBi8tFEEqc]Magda Olivero "Un di ero piccina" Iris - YouTube[/ame]

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Aber vielleicht ist dies der stärkste Zauber des Lebens: es liegt ein golddurchwirkter Schleier von schönen Möglichkeiten über ihm, verheißend, widerstrebend, schamhaft, spöttisch, mitleidig, verführerisch. Ja, das Leben ist ein Weib! - F. N.

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