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Last Minute Request


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Hhhm..just tried the phone number of Sandra Escort...it works and they are still awake..:zwinker:




................ Ich denke gerne bunt...........schwarz und weiß sind keine Farben sondern Rassisten ................

:blume: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away....:blume:

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  • 7 Monate später...

Hi all again! Long time since my last posting to this forum.


I will be in Frankfurt this week again, any proposals what I should not "miss"?


Many thanks for your time in advance to any of you that will answer to this, in the meantime I will be studying what is new or worth "seeing" in the Frankfurt area.


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Hi all again! Long time since my last posting to this forum.


I will be in Frankfurt this week again, any proposals what I should not "miss"?


Many thanks for your time in advance to any of you that will answer to this, in the meantime I will be studying what is new or worth "seeing" in the Frankfurt area.

Your request isn't really concrete. Maybe you can add some details as price, age, booking time, agency or independent?

MC Escort | Die Premium Escort Community


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Your request isn't really concrete. Maybe you can add some details as price, age, booking time, agency or independent?


I guess u r right. Below some more info:


Appointment date:

Between 25/3 and 27/3 (where I will be in FFM)


Booking time:

Prefer longer dates, minimum 4 hours


Agency or Indie:

Prefer Indie, would not reject agency however.


Age (of escort):

>24, <35



Should be fair...hm, I know this is relative.

In any case, if I consider a rate "unfair", I will just look further, I would not negotiate.


Some more feedback: I am not into SM and stuff like that. Just looking more for an adventurous evening. Going out for dinner, some drinks maybe and a steamy night afterwards. Like a date with a familiar "fuckbuddy" so to say.


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