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Down payment

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Hello ladies and gentlemen, 

So i had a downpayment for a date that should happen in about 2-3 weeks, unfortunately because i experience a tragic passing from one of my family members, i have to cancel that date.

On the Website of intimate-escort it stated that any cancellations that happens 24h before the date you have to pay 40% of total fee. Its really not fair that they get to keep my money, when i asked for a refund. They told me, in the next 3 months i can have another date with that downpayment, which i don't want. 

I would totally understand, if i canceled to close to the date or out of disinterest. Its out of my control what happened to me, but they can totally refund the payment but refuse to pay my money back

Thank you

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Just for the record:

You booked an appointment, made a deposit, canceled about 2 weeks before the appointment for personal reasons and now they don't want to refund you even though the cancellation wasn't within the "24h" rule, right?

Were there any other "special agreements"? because the following is also mentioned on the website:

In Einzelfällen behalten wir uns vor, eine Organisationspauschale in Höhe von bis zu 300 € einzubehalten. Die Organisationspauschale ist für den entstandenen Aufwand zu verstehen und exklusive eventuell zusätzlich anfallender Kosten. (bspw. nicht stornierbare Hotelbuchungen, Reiseplanung, Organisation Abendprogramm etc) sowie unabhängig vom Zeitpunkt der Stornierung.

anyway, I am now also interested in the agency's response.....



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8 minutes ago, Lineker said:

Just for the record:

You booked an appointment, made a deposit, canceled about 2 weeks before the appointment for personal reasons and now they don't want to refund you even though the cancellation wasn't within the "24h" rule, right?

Were there any other "special agreements"? because the following is also mentioned on the website:

In Einzelfällen behalten wir uns vor, eine Organisationspauschale in Höhe von bis zu 300 € einzubehalten. Die Organisationspauschale ist für den entstandenen Aufwand zu verstehen und exklusive eventuell zusätzlich anfallender Kosten. (bspw. nicht stornierbare Hotelbuchungen, Reiseplanung, Organisation Abendprogramm etc) sowie unabhängig vom Zeitpunkt der Stornierung.

anyway, I am now also interested in the agency's response.....



You got it right. There was nothing else planned, no big trips or hotel booked for her. She just told me that they keep the money in case there is a spontaneous or 2nd cancelation.  Which makes no sense at all

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1 hour ago, Westfale said:

You should clarify it with the agency.

I don't know how we should help you.

Had to tell them 3-4 times I just want my refund, they tried to justify the reasons not to give anything

Yesterday they only gave back half of it, not the full amount. Basically told me they took a lot of time to check for the 'hard limit' etc and the half of the fee they kept was to cover the cost of their assistant 🙃 

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vor 6 Stunden schrieb Lineker:

quite interesting solution, although it does not seem to me to be covered by the available "terms and conditions" on their site

I guess, this is a kind of typical, since they know that probably no-one will start legal action to get the money … but they underestimate the negative marketing effect of such conduct … 


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I certainly do not intend to press for it. However, I do not recommend to attempt to publicly resolve this matter.

It is evident by experience, bringing affairs like customer complaints, as legitimate as they might be, into a general discussion only leaves losers behind.

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Trent:

I certainly do not intend to press for it. However, I do not recommend to attempt to publicly resolve this matter.

It is evident by experience, bringing affairs like customer complaints, as legitimate as they might be, into a general discussion only leaves losers behind.

Don't disagree,  but if the matter was discussed between them and the agency just doesn't care, then you have to take it into your own hands and do something about it. Totally understand if one side doesn't seem to care about the customers and basically gate keep their money.

That's not OK and should absolutely not be tolerated, very untrustworthy and questionable way of dealing with a NEW Client

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb Trent:

I certainly do not intend to press for it. However, I do not recommend to attempt to publicly resolve this matter.

It is evident by experience, bringing affairs like customer complaints, as legitimate as they might be, into a general discussion only leaves losers behind.

what else do you do but push for it?

He tried to get his money back in direct dialog and was unsuccessful.

Then he shouldn't have made it public because then there are supposedly only losers?

What please?

After all, by making it public, he got half of his money back.

Instead, as the aggrieved party, should he have kept quiet?

Only to be left with nothing at all.


How about customer care and satisfaction first and furthermore in our minds?

Is it really too much to ask for a matter of course?



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vor 2 Stunden schrieb maximus:

Es ist mir mit der Agentur Ähnliches passiert. Anzahlung von 500 € weg.

Ich bin mir fast sicher, davon hat die SDL keinen mueden Heller gesehen als Entschaedigung... weil ja die Verwaltung der Buchung und erst die Stornierung selbiger  extrem aufwendig und super kostspielig war. :wie-geil:  So was nennt man in meinen Breiten "Koerberlgeld" :classic_ninja:

PS: REINE Spekulation!  Aber wenn so was ein paar mal im Monat vorkommt, dann kann man davon leben... :zwitsch:

Bearbeitet von Benno
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"Sex ist sehr unkompliziert, wenn man von keinem Komplex, sondern von einem Bedürfnis geleitet wird."

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